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About IBV

Our Journey

   IBV is a single point portal offering an umbrella of services for Forex transactions. One-stop-banking for growing businesses & hi-pot individuals Save time and money with border less banking at your fingertips. One multi-purpose account to address all financial services.



       From the days of fearfully carrying the limited Forex one was allowed to as cash (USD usually), we moved to traveler's cheques. Safer, yet cumbersome and still vulnerable to being lost or even theft, leaving one stranded in alien lands.


Today, we have ease of travelers cards and Forex dealers offering varying rates despite market regulations. What if we had control over our money? The power to choose best rates, and carry virtual cash in a virtual wallet with multi-country currency that converts instantly, anywhere in the world?

The once impossible is now possible!

With our iChange Market Place, the industry’s first, you can, first of all, see the best available rates for your preferred currency. With simple clicks of neo-banking ease, you can purchase and store your currency in your wallet. What if you are on a world tour? You no longer depend on the vagaries of country-wise variables or money changer rates. Your multi-currency wallet allows currencies of the world to be carried in comfort for one click availability and liquidity.

With your iChange Wallet, you can travel without a care. The forgotten bill can be paid from anywhere. Yes. Utility bills for yourself in home country or family or friends anywhere in the world can be paid in an instant.

Gifts and remittances can now happen at anytime from anywhere without running to money changers and banks. All from your iChange wallet.

You work hard for your money. It’s time your money works for you when you need it. Wherever in the world you go.



       NEO BANKING is the face of a new generation of banks in the Cloud. Leveraging technology, for convenience and catering to a fast-paced world that wants more and more done completely digitally, quickly and safely. Safely, is a key point to note; although there is a mad rush for Speed and Agility, Security and Stability are non-negotiable.

Traditional Banks are regulated and trusted over the ages; neo-banks are regulated in a more specific and simplified manner. Neo Banks offer equally safe and exclusive services that drastically reduce costs and increase benefits owing to a lean and agile digital business operations.

IBV is a full-spectrum Neo-Bank, governed by the fiscal policies of Singapore. IBV caters to a global clientele that does business in, with or through Singapore. IBV addresses Personal Banking needs of individuals the world over that use and benefit from the Singapore financial ecosystem.



       vChange is the Worlds first B2B platform for wholesale trading between money changers where bid and ask happens.  


The bid price is what the dealer is willing to pay for a currency, while the ask price is the rate at which a dealer will sell the same currency.


This is the starting point from where transactions trickle down to the common man.

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